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The Chill Hippy


Positive: Kind // Nurturing // Considerate

Neutral : Dreamy // Earnest // Modest

Negative : Aloof // Lazy // Blunt

Mother - Dogspirit @Romulus 

Best Friend - Open

Mentor - Open

Siblings - (Brother/ Nonbinary) Rainykit @Jude

(Sister) Houndkit @Skyfall

(MtF Sister) Icekit @Jackpot 

Father - Unknown 

Romulus made the wonderful picture 

Buzzkit // Buzzpaw // Buzz

Buzz after her Aunt Buzztuft

Nicknames - 

Age - Newborn

Gender - She/Her 

Sexuality - Unknown

Creation - July 2, 2020

Coat Color - Snowy white base coat with splashes of light and dark brown spots on legs, tail, muzzle, and ears

Eye Color - Sky blue

Height - Average

Built - Nimble with muscle

Noticeable Features - None

Scent - pumpkin and fall leaves

Voice - Marilyn Monroe

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